I recently attended a training provided by John De Goes about Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs) and wanted to make a quick recap of what those are.

An Algebraic Data Type (ADT) is a sum type built from a collection of sum/product types:

sealed trait Foo
object Foo {
  case class Bar() extends Foo

In order to make this ADT polymorphic, we have to introduce type parameters in some of the terms of the ADT:

sealed trait Foo[A]
object Foo {
  case class Bar[A](value: A) extends Foo[A]

GADTs are built on top of polymorphic ADTs and can be created either by specializing at least one of the terms:

sealed trait Foo[A]
object Foo {
  case class Bar[A](value: A)   extends Foo[A]
  case class BarInt(value: Int) extends Foo[Int]

or by introducing a type parameter not present in the main sum type, that is an existential type:

sealed trait Foo[A]
object Foo {
  case class Bar[A](value: A)                       extends Foo[A]
  case class BarInt(value: Int)                     extends Foo[Int]
  case class BarMap[A, B](value: Foo[B], f: B => A) extends Foo[A]

The particularity of BarMap[A, B] is that the moment we upcast a value of that type, we lose information about B:

val foo: Foo[Int]    = BarInt(42)
// `B` is not present in `mapFoo`'s definition
val mapFoo: Foo[Int] = BarMap(foo, (_: Int) + 1)

mapFoo match {
  // we cannot know what f precisely is
  case BarMap(v, f) => ???

However, we can use a type case statement and give a name to B to work around this:

mapFoo match {
  case map: BarMap[A, b] => ???

We now know map is of type BarMap[Int, b] with value: Foo[b] and f: b => A):

val foo   : Foo[Int] = BarInt(42)
val mapFoo: Foo[Int] = BarMap(foo, (_: Int) + 1)

def run[A](f: Foo[A]): A = f match {
    case Bar(value)        => value   // `a` is of type `A`
    case BarInt(i)         => i       // `i` is an `Int`
    case map: BarMap[A, b] => 
        val f: b => A = map.f
        val v: Foo[b] = map.value
        f(run(v)) // returns an `A`

val fooInt: Foo[Int] = BarInt(42)
val result: Int = run(fooInt)

So GADTs allow us to carry information about the type used in the definition of an expression, and therefore introduce a weak form on pattern matching on types.