Functional Programming

Expressions Oriented

x = 41 + 1
y = x * 2
z = add(x, 2)
x = 42
y = x + 1 == 42 + 1
x = (2 * 2) + (3 * 4)
x = 2 * 2 + 3 * 4
x = 4 + 12
x = 16

val add1: Int => Int = (i:Int) => i + 1
val sub1: Int => Int = (i:Int) => i - 2

def compose[A, B, C](
  f: B => C,
  g: A => B,
): A => C = { a => f(g(a)) }

val add1AndSub2 = compose(add1, sub2)
add1AndSub1(1) == 0

  (Int, Int) => Int becomes Int => Int => Int

val sum:     (Int, Int) => Int = (x, y) => x + y
val curried: Int => Int => Int = x => (y => x + y)

curried(1)(3) == 4

"Currying is the technique of translating the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments into evaluating a sequence of functions, each with a single argument." - Wikipedia

val f3: (Int, Int, Int) => Int = (x, y, z) => x + y + z
val f2: (Int, Int) => Int = f3(0, _, _)

f2(40, 2) == 42

"Partial application refers to the process of fixing a number of arguments to a function, producing another function of smaller arity" - Wikipedia
  • Total: A function must yield a value for every possible input.
  • Pure: A function’s only effect must be the computation of its return value
  • Deterministic: A function must yield the same value for the same input.

    Taken from "A Beginner-Friendly Tour through Functional Programming in Scala".
    John A De Goes.

Inputs / Outputs

def foo(number: String): Int = number.toInt

def bar(input: String): Int = { 
  println("performing bar")

Side Effects

def parse(integer: String): Int = {
  if(numberIsNotAString(number)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(/*...*/)
  } else {
    // parsing logic returning parsed integer

def ask(question: String): String = {
  if(question == "What's the meaning of life?") {
    null // does not compile in Scala

var n = 41
def add1(y: Int): Int = { 
  n = n + 1
  y + 1
// ...
val m = add1(41)
assert(n == 42)

def readIntegerFromFile(filePath: String): Int = { 
  // throws exceptions
  val content = readFromFile(filePath)
  // ...
"A function having a side-effect is a function which has an observable interaction with its calling functions or the outside world besides returning a value"

// List.scala
override def drop(n: Int): List[A] = {
  var these = this
  var count = n
  while (!these.isEmpty && count > 0) {
    these = these.tail
    count -= 1

Total Functions

Total: A function must yield a value for every possible input.

def parse(integer: String): Int = {
  if(numberIsNotAString(number)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(/*...*/)
  } else { /* parsing logic */}

def ask(question: String): String = {
  if(question == "What's the meaning of life?") {
    null // does not compile in Scala

trait Either[A, B]
case class Left[A, B](a: A)  extends Either[A, B]
case class Right[A, B](b: B) extends Either[A, B]

def parse(integer: String): Either[Exception, Int]

trait Maybe[A]
case class Some[A](a: A) extends Maybe[A]
case class None[A]()     extends Maybe[A]

def ask(question: String): Maybe[String]

case class Foo(first: String, second: Int)

Foo("bar", 42) match {
  case Foo(x, 42)    => println(s"$x == 42")
  case Foo("bar", _) => println(s"bar != 42")
  case _             => println("Default case")

Foo("bar", 74) match {
  case Foo(x, 42)    => println(s"$x == 42")
  case Foo("bar", _) => println(s"bar != 42")
  case _             => println("Default case")

def ask(question: String): Maybe[String] = {
  if(question == "What's the meaning of life?") {

ask("What's the meaning of life?") match {
  case Some(answer)  =>
    println(s"The answer is: $answer")
  case None          =>
    println("I cannot answer this question.")

Pure Functions

Pure: A function’s only effect must be the computation of its return value

var n = 41
def add1(x: Int): Int = { 
  n = n + 1
  x + 1
// ...
val m = add1(41)
assert(n == 42)

def add1(x: Int, y: Int): (Int, Int) = { 
  (x + 1, n + 1)
// ...
val n = 41
val (m, n2) = add1(41, n)
assert(n2 == 42)

Deterministic Functions

Deterministic: A function must yield the same output for the same input.

val s: String = readInput()

trait ConsoleIO
case class Read(process: String => ConsoleIO) extends ConsoleIO
case class Write(line: String, then: ConsoleIO) extends ConsoleIO
case object End extends ConsoleIO

val program: ConsoleIO = Read { line => Write(line, End) }

def interpret(program: ConsoleIO): Unit = program match {
  case Read(process) => interpret(process(readLine()))
  case Write(line, next) => println(line); interpret(next)
  case End => println("Done !")

trait ConsoleIO
case class Read(process: String => ConsoleIO) extends ConsoleIO
case class Write(line: String, then: ConsoleIO) extends ConsoleIO
case object End extends ConsoleIO

val program: ConsoleIO = Read { line => Write(line) }

def interpret(program: ConsoleIO): Unit = program match {
  case Read(process) => interpret(process(readLine()))
  case Write(line, next) => println(line); interpret(next)
  case End => println("Done !")
    • Total: A function must yield a value for every possible input.
    • Pure: A function only effect must be the computation of its return value
    • Deterministic: A function must yield the same value for the same input.
    • Side effects break Referential Transparency :(
    • Side-Effects must be explicit
    • Separate the 'what' from the 'how'


trait Either[A, B]
case class Left[A, B](a: A)  extends Either[A, B]
case class Right[A, B](b: B) extends Either[A, B]

val foo: Either[Exception, Int] = ???
val result = foo match {
  case Right(y) => y + 1
  case Left(ex) => ??? // what are we supposed to return here???

val success: Either[Exception, Int] = Right(42)

val failure: Either[Exception, Int] =
  Left(new RuntimeException())

map( _ + 1 )(success) // returns 43
map( _ + 1 )(failure) // return failure

def map[A, B](f: A => B)
             (e: Either[Exception, A]): Either[Exception, B] =
  e match {
    case Right(v) => Right(f(v))
    case Left(e) => Left(e)

val foo: Either[Exception, Int] = ???
val bar: Int => Either[Exception, String] = ???

// meh !
val fooBar: Either[Exception, Either[Exception, String]] =

val fooBar: Either[Exception, String] = chain(foo, bar)

def chain[E, B, C](f: B => Either[E, C])
                  (e: Either[E, B]): Either[E, C] = e match {
  case Right(b) => f(b)
  case Left(e) => Left(e)

def map[A, B](f: A => B)(m: Maybe[A]): Maybe[B] =
  m match {
    case Some(a) => Some(f(a))
    case None() => None()

def chain[A, B](f: A => Maybe[B])(m: Maybe[A]): Maybe[B] =
  m match {
    case Some(a) => f(a)
    case None() => None()

// Algebraic data types
1, 2, 3...

// Operations
1 + 2 = 3
3 * 2 = 6

// Laws
0 + x = x
1 * x = x

def map[A, B](f: A => B)(m: Maybe[A]): Maybe[B] = m match {
  case Some(a) => Some(f(a))
  case None() => None()

def noop[A](a: A): A = a
map(noop)(foo) == foo

val f: Int => Int = ???
val g: Int => String = ???

map(compose(f, g))(foo) == compose(map(f),map(g))(foo)

trait Functor[F[_]] {
  def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
  def map[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[A]

# identity law
map(noop)(foo) == foo

# composition law
map(compose(f, g))(foo) == compose(map(f),map(g))(foo)

val foo: Int => Int => String = x => y => s"$x, $y"

val m1: Maybe[Int] = Some(1)
val m2: Maybe[Int] = Some(2)

val pFoo: Maybe[Int => String] =
  map(foo)(m1) // Some(y => "1, $y")

def ap[A, B](mf: Maybe[A => B])(ma: Maybe[A]): Maybe[B] =
  ma match {
   case Some(a) => map(f => f(a))(mf)
   case None()  => None()

val result: Maybe[String] = ap(pFoo)(m2)

trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Functor[F] {
  def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B]

ap(ff)(fx) == map(f)(fx)

def chain[A, B](f: A => Maybe[B])(m: Maybe[A]): Maybe[B] =
  m match {
    case Some(a) => f(a)
    case None() => None()

val f: Int => Maybe[Int] = ???
val pure: Int => Maybe[Int] = (i: Int) => Some(i)

chain(pure)(Some(42)) == Some(42)

chain(f)(Some(42)) == f(42)

val g: Int => Maybe[Int] = ???

chain(chain(Some(42), f), g)
  == chain(Some(42), i => chain(f(i), g))

trait Monad[M[_]] {
  def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A], f: A => M[B]): M[A]

// Left identity law
chain(pure)(Some(42)) == Some(42)

// Right identity law
chain(f)(Some(42)) == f(42)

// Composition law
chain(chain(Some(42), f), g)
  == chain(Some(42), i => chain(f(i), g))

trait Functor[F[_]] {
  def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
  def map[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[A]

trait Monad[M[_]] {
  def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A], f: A => M[B]): M[A]

trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Functor[F] {
  def lift[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B]


  • Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! : by Miran Lipovaca
  • Functional Programming in Scala : by Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason
  • by John A De Goes
  • by Brent Yorgey
  • Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling: by Debasish Ghosh
  • Real World Haskell: by Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen
  • Lambda Montreal by reaaaallllly nice folks :)
Thank you ! Questions ?